Walt Disney's Fantasyland...The Walt Disney Studio...Golden Press
Walt Disney's World's Of Nature...The Walt Disney Studio...Golden Press
Walt Disney's America...The Walt Disney Studio...Golden Press
Walt Disney's Stories From Other Lands...The Walt Disney Studio...Golden Press
The Wind In The Willows...Kenneth Grahame, ill. Michael Hague...Holt Rinehart Winston
The Wizard Of Oz...L. Frank Baum, ill. Michael Hague...Holt Rinehart Winston
The Reluctant Dragon...Kenneth Grahame, ill. Michael Hague...Henry Holt
Old Mother West Wind...Thornton Burgess, ill. Michael Hague...Henry Holt
The Goblins Of Labyrinth...Brian Froud & Terry Jones...Henry Holt
Faeries...Brian Froud & Alan Lee...Abrams
Faeries: Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition...Brian Froud & Alan Lee...Abrams
This edition of Walt Disney's Story Land was one of the seminal books in our family when we were all a wee litter. An omnibus volume, culled from the next four volumes in this list, as they were compounded of Golden story books before them. This is a newish copy of the old edition: there are newer editions, post-Little Mermaid.
More fine illustrated editions of classic children's books, this time by Michael Hague. Yet another copy of The Wizard Of Oz, and not the last one. Faeries was in the first batch of books I ever got from Science Fiction Book Club; this was years before the spelling "faeries" was co-opted by fantasists trying to be slick and hip. Alan Lee went on to become one of the principle conceptual artists for The Lord Of The Rings movies.
Book Count: 634.
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