The Mystery And Lore Of Monsters...C. J. S. Thompson...University Books
The Lore Of The New Testament...Joseph Gaer...Little, Brown And Company
The Alchemists: Magic Into Science...Thomas G. Aylesworth...Addisonian Press
Vampires And Other Ghosts...Thomas G. Aylesworth...Addisonian Press
Werewolves And Other Monsters...Thomas G. Aylesworth...Addisonian Press
Monsters...Leonard Wolf...Straight Arrow Books
Myths Of The Norsemen...H. A. Guerber...Dover
Gods Of The North...Brian Branston...Thames And Hudson
Myths And Legends Of Japan...F. Hadland Davis...Dover
China And Japan: Myths And Legends Series...Donald A. Mackenzie...Avenel
The Thomas G. Aylesworths are copies of books I read back in middle school: when I was a lad Aylesworth, Daniel Cohen, and Georgess McHargue were the authors to go to for the outre and supernatural. The Guerber book on Norse myth is of peculiar interest to me because it was this book that not only solidified C. S. Lewis' love of "the Northern thing" but led to his life-long friendship with Arthur Greeves. Reading it is almost like looking over his shoulder. The New Testament lore is exactly that: nothing Biblical, but legends and beliefs that accreted over time. Curiously there are two traditions about Pontius Pilate: in one he goes straight to Hell, in another his experiences convert him and he becomes a Christian.
Book Count: 1140.