Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Smeagol: Stoor Fisherman

Here he is: Super-poseable Smeagol the Stoor Fisherman, with 22 points of articulation. This is Gollum as he appeared before being corrupted by the Ring, and Andy Serkis's one chance to act in the movie without being painted over with CGI. You can't see it in this picture, but the Ring is molded into the palm of one of his hands.

This is part of Tommy at Z's Toys efforts to help me get the few LOTR figures I don't have. Total price with shipping and whatnot: a little over $17. Hama is on his way, and there's a bid on a Peter Jackson as a Hobbit--from Scotland.

I was amused by the bi-lingual English and French labeling on the packaging; apparently this was sold originally in Canada. Though most of the characters had the same name, Frodo was "Frodon" and Sam Gamgee was "Samsagace".

1 comment:

Brer said...

Which I only realize now that "Samsagace" means Sam the Sagacious; ie, Sam-Wise.