Thursday, October 7, 2010

10 Books A Day: #160

The Magic Jacket...Walter de la Mare...Alfred A. Knopf

The King of Ireland's Son...Padriac Colum...The Macmillan Company

Mother Goose In Prose...L. Frank Baum...Bounty Books

The Wonder Clock...Howard Pyle...Harper and Rowe

The Story of the Grail and The Passing of Arthur...Howard Pyle...Charles Scribner's Sons

Aesop's Fables...Ill. by Robert Lawson...Heritage Press

Mr. Revere And I...Robert Lawson...Little, Brown and Company

The Great Quillow...James Thurber...Harcourt, Brace and Company

The Wind in the Willows...Kenneth Grahame...Illustrated Junior Library

Captain Slaughterboard Drops Anchor...Mervyn Peake...The Macmillan Company

A batch of books with great illustrators today. Lawson, Pyle, and Peake drew for their own books here; Maxfield Parrish did Baum's and William Pogany did Colum's. Paul Kennedy (one of whose pictures is shown above) did The Magic Jacket, Doris Lee did The Great Quillow, and my sentimental favorite illustrations for The Wind in the Willows were done by Dick Cuffari.

Book Count: 1921.

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