To begin with we have my latest purchases, some new Peanuts Halloween figures. I got Linus as The Monster, Sally as The Monster's Bride, and Snoopy as The Mummy with Woodstock as an archaeologist. Charlie Brown as The Vampire was included in the set, but I already have one like that from last year. I bought them at CVS Pharmacy, for $6.99 each. They come with cardboard backdrops of the pumpkin patch.
Next pictured are Kisuke Urahara and Toshiro Hitsugaya from the Bleach series. They were $17.99 each with shipping and handling from Entertainment Earth. Kisuke comes with hat, fan, and cane, Toshiro with sword.
Back when the Dragon Quest VIII action figures came out four or five years ago I was interested in them, but not so enthusiastic as to order them cold. Then we got the game for Christmas last year, and it just sucked me in. Now I had to have the action figures; the only place I could get them now was on eBay from sellers in China! Prices for each ranged from about $20 to $30, and then shipping, of course. They include: The Hero, with sword; Yangus, with axe; Jessica, with wand and whip; and Angelo, with rapier. The characters were designed by the same guy who does Dragon Ball Z.
Next is Zidane Tribal from the Final Fantasy games. He comes with two knives and a base. He cost $14.99 with shipping and handling.
Bringing up the rear are the Mad Hatter and Alice, under the aegis of Disney Alice In Wonderland Ultra Detail Figure, made by the Medicom Toy Corporation; the same fine folks, I believe, who brought us the best Planet of the Apes figures ever. I got these at Hastings for $19.99 each. These are very fine, detailed sculpts, with not a lot of action or any accessories (the teacup is forever attached to the Hatter's hand). The card states "Made With Care In Wonderland."
I also got some DC Universe characters for sale prices at Tuesday Morning: (Old) Bruce Wayne, (Tim McGraw) Batman, Warhawk, Lex Luthor, The Shade, and Cheetah. It was $14 for the six figures. I always liked the elderly Bruce Wayne in Batman Beyond; he perfectly embodies the trope of the Old Badass.
Happy 500th! And many, many, more...
Ichigo at first called Kisuke "Mr. Hat & Clogs" because he didn't know his name. He's a strange, whimsical, enigmatic character. The cane is his zanpakuto in disguise.
They started showing "Batman Beyond" recently on that new channel "Hub," which I think used to be Discovery Kids. That was cool because I had never seen the beginning of it.
Congratulations on the 500th!
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